Education Leads to Responsible Conservation
We must stress academic excellence to our youth in order to promote conservationism and help the environment. Tools to help reach academic excellence include the use of a good gpa calculator such as the one found at
It is quite easy for one to think they are doing well in their academics while in the real sense, they are not doing so. It is also very easy for one to think they are qualified to pursue a certain professions or get admitted in to some colleges just because they are passionate about them. It is, however, very important for any student to not assume their academic performance is good just because they got a high score in one of the courses (they have been examination for, or just because they love a certain subject.
To refrain from just thinking, but knowing, that one is doing well in their academics and is capable of pursuing their desired course/ college, they must continuously calculate their GPA. This is the mean score of the courses/ units they are doing and have been examined on.
To continuously get a high GPA, one must continuously work hard. One cannot pass their examinations unless they attend classes, take and study notes and keep revising them to internalize the contents of the course. Last minute studying may save a few people’s skin, but is never a good habit; for one does not always internalize everything.
Reasonable studying should include enough resting time and time for other activities; to enable the mind rest and freshen up (so that it can absorb more information). This brings in the element of time management. Each activity should be allocated enough time and the schedule adhered to; and this brings in the element of discipline.
While studying, it is important to be informed on the requirements of the college you wish to be admitted or maintained in so that you can boost your energy in achieving and maintaining good grades and habits. Students who are looking forward to getting into colleges should research on what those colleges offer and what their requirements are, as well as the requirements for the courses offered.
Further Reading:
Access Educational Material: Using Smart DNS – Joseph Heller