Why Buy Selincro – an Alcohol Wonder Drug?
Updated September, 2024 – Selincro unfortunately unavailable again at the Pharmacy I used and the video removed from YouTube!
There is a perception among many clinical experts that there’s only one way to deal with addictive substances, simply aid people to fight off the urges and stop taking them. So methods like using a new drug like Selincro which helps alcohol dependency are often dismissed too easily. Usually potential patients never even hear of them instead being routinely forced into the same old failing treatment plans. Unfortunately even for those who can escape the addictive clutches often their lifestyle is formed around things like drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Therefore abstinence is often only a temporary cure which becomes a life long battle for most.
Here’s another perspective from a very brave lady, called Claudia Christian who talks about how something called The Sinclair Method helped her. The little pill she discusses is something called Nalmefene sold in Europe under the trade name Selincro.
So why is Selincro different? There’s certainly a lack of selincro reviews and it does seem to have difficulty making it’s way into mainstream treatments? Basically it is a pill which reduces the urge to drink which was formally approved in the UK by the National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE) in 2014. The drugs actual name is Nalmefene, Selincro is a trade name and it has produced some astounding results for treating alcoholics in clinical trials all over the world. It can be prescribed in Europe and the UK, although I found that a selincro online pharmacy was able to help me. You’ll find the link where I buy Selincro at the bottom of the page.
Most of the current alcohol guidance is directed at people who wish to reduce their drinking levels. The pill is supposed to reduce the cravings they have to drink and thus gradually reduce their alcohol consumption. It works by blocking part of the brain which produces pleasure from alcohol, reducing the attraction to carry on drinking. There are some very impressive clinical trial results with around 78% success rate, and minimal selincro side effects.
So I Buy Selincro from an Online Pharmacy
Now those of us who are a little too attached to their drink, know that feeling very well. We can take or leave that first drink, but the next one becomes much more important and the rest often follow on with little thought. Selincro stops this behaviour, by reducing that desire.
There is no requirement to instantly try and avoid alcohol, in fact the Sinclair Method works by combining the physical effects of Selincro with the individual drinking. Each time alcohol is taken with the drug, the brain is reconditioned slightly not to expect the release of endorphins which create the pleasure.
I’ve tried it and it works, you take the Nalmefene an hour before you expect to drink. When you do start drinking, it has a strange effect the pleasure simply isn’t there.
My initial experience was conducted with an expensive bottle of Argentinian Malbec. The drug made me slightly dizzy but nothing too bad, however the enjoyment from this stunning red was almost completely obliterated.
To try and describe the feeling is difficult, normally when I enjoy my first glass of red wine I get that warm, fuzzy relaxed feeling. However with Selincro this was different, my glass was pretty much transformed into tepid tap water. The taste didn’t change as much but my desire for it was completely different. Normally my first glass would last about 15-20 minutes, using the drug it took me over an hour – there was simply no urge to drink.
If you’re looking for information on this method, I’m going to put some of my experience up on this web site. However here’s some quick points to get you started as it can be quite confusing – researching this stuff.
- Selincro is brand name for the drug which is actually called Nalmefene.
- There is an alternative drug called Naltrexone which has a very similar effect.
- Both drugs are designed to reduce the opiates released from your brain when you drink.
- Most successful trials have occurred by using the drugs in tandem with – The Sinclair Method.
- You will need a prescription – but there’s a link to Seclincro online pharmacy below
The Sinclair method is slightly controversial as a alcohol treatment method as it doesn’t discourage participants from drinking unlike traditional routes like the AA. The idea is that abstinence will come from reducing the pleasure of alcohol, not by enforcing some artificial ban.
The drug does have some effects and you might see some Selincro side effects, which you’ll find listed on the medication. Commonly reported effects are nausea, dizzyness and problems with sleeping. I suffered all these to some extent and the effects lasted about 14 days but gradually reduced over that time, it’s a small price to pay for the end of my addiction.
At the time of writing I have taken 15 pills of Selincro on consecutive days. The reduction in the desire for alcohol is very apparent although the drive from simple habit is still there. Currently my alcohol consumption has dropped by about 50%, I have not made any real effort other than taking the pills. It’s looking at a minimal downside, although if you do buy selincro online it’s not cheap! I’ll update more on this blog.
Additional Information
Nalmefene/Selincro forum with lots of discussion on The Sinclair Method – http://optionssavelives.freeforums.net/
This is my own personal experience and is not intended as, not should be taken as, medical advice. Please consult a physician, or other suitably qualified medical professional before undertaking any medical treatment.