The Environmentally Friendly Crowd Is Full Of It (IMHO)
The environment is on everyone’s mind now days and while I guess it never hurts to be respectful of it, some parts of the whole crusade are kind of silly. Do the little things activists want us to do every day in our lives really make a difference? Or do they most likely have some other agenda?
Take carpet cleaning machines as an example. Now we have all sorts of machines and detergents that are supposedly “environmentally friendly”. Do you really think that any small tweak to a detergent or to a carpet cleaner will make any difference at all to the safety and well being of people? I don’t.
My belief is that all this political correct environmental stuff is really a lot of BS. All it does is make the Al Gore crowd money or give them power. Either way it is a bad thing in my book and I don’t think in the end any of it will really matter.
This earth is billions of years old and to think that we can single handedly destroy it because we don’t recycle or we use the wrong detergent is crazy. That is just my opinion and I know it isn’t a popular one right now but this blog needs more opposing views.
Jez Smith
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