The Importance Of Family Values

If you were asked about “how do you value your family”, what would be your answer be? Family defines as the basic unit of the society. Being as the basic unit of the society, a family is composed of a father, mother and the children. When we define the word “value”, we would come up on the definition as something important to try and incorporate the importance of family values. Even in our modern society there are still families living in a container or skurvogn. Very similar to the container homes you see in refugee camps all over the world. So, a family is like a treasure that you need to be taken care of. Just like you possessions and wealth, you would always keep it and take good care of it in order not to be stolen from other. There are even companies such as Containerudlejning who rent out these low quality homes for the people who can’t afford or are somehow unable to get a proper home. Fortunately, a family cannot be stolen by anybody or anyone. But, always remember that a family will never be called a “family” if it is not living together in a household.  Especially if someone is experiencing problems such as with their diet or even alcohol consumption.

The Importance of Family Values

Family values defined as what would be valuable in our families. Family values would always describe a complete and happy family. Once family values are being practiced inside a home, every member of the family is happy. They would probably say that it is not only a family but also good friends as well. Values in a family vary from characteristics like good manners to traditions and even household chores and duties.

Parents’ teaching family values
Parents have their big and import role in the family. They stand as the first teacher at home. Schools are just the secondary home and teachers are the second parents of the children. However, parents are the first teacher and the home is the first school of a child. Therefore, parents are obliged to teach family values to their young ones. Family values play a big role into the stage of child’s growth. When a kid is growing, family values must be taught at home, even if this home is merely just a container, Pavillon or skurvogn. So, parents must provide all the needs of their children including teaching the right family values. Whatever your kid would become when they grow up, parents are the one who influenced them and teach them what and how they become. Parents play a big role in children since they are responsible during the growing stage of their kids.

Children’s role in family values
Children are taught good manners and right conduct by their parents. Children must obey their parents and respect them. Family values can be shown through how children respect their parents and how parents taught children the right way. When it comes on family values, parents are not just the ones responsible. Both parents and children should know their responsibilities in a household and family values come next. Family values would be in a family if each of the members is respecting each other. Children and parents should both have understanding, respect and love, family values would always be in a family if these values are present.

Family is present in a household wherein the members are father, mother and the children. However, it cannot be called as a family if family values are not practiced. A family without love, respect and understanding would have no family values at all. So if you live in a fancy house, or a cheap Skurvogn or Container, a happy family is still the most important thing you have here in life.

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Taking down old asbestos roofs

valg af nyt tag til dit hjemAs you probably know, a lot of roofing products, were manufactured with asbestos, from the 1920’s and up to the early 1980’s. A lot of the people who has been exposed to asbestos over a longer duration, has developed mesothelioma cancer. There are still many roofs out there which was building before the 80’s that contains asbetos. So when removing your old roof, there are a few things you need to consider.

It’s always a good idea to talk to a roof expert first. Not only can he easily tell you if your old roof contains asbestos, and what is required to get rid of it properly and legally. But he can help you our with advices on your new roof, like which materials you should choose, and special demands or features. Luckily there are a lot of companies, like Nyt Tag Roofing, which offers free meetings with one of their carpenters, in hope of you selecting them for the job. Last month I had both a guy from New Tag Roofing, and from Tømrer over and give me advices on my new roof and it didn’t cost me a single dollar. See some examples here at Effectio. So if there are any roofing companies near you, that offers free meetings, it’s always a good idea to take advantage of that before you begin a new roofing project.

Removing the old asbestos roof can be quite expensive. If all the roofing tiles are undamage, the risk of getting in contact with asbestos is pretty low, but if you got broken tiles among them, then you need to take special care. Depending on where you live, you may be required to have a professional team with masks and protection suits, remove the roof for you and handle the scrapping. Also you can’t just drive it to the local junk yard, as i’s classified as hazardous materials, so it can be a bit expensive to get rid it, as you can’t just dump it the same places as normal roofing materials.

As my old roof was an old cement roof, that look quite a bit like asbestos cement, I was a bit worried myself that my roof contained asbestos. However the guy from Nyt Tag Roofing, told me not to worry, it was pure cement, so the cost of removing it would be quite low. They gave me a good price for my new roof, so I ended up selecting Nyt Tag Roofing for the job, and it was something i didn’t regreat. A good service and a fine result for a price that was about 20% lower than what the carpenter from Tømrer Sæby had given me. And i got a lot of help select the proper roofing type for my roof, and ended up with a beautiful black slate roof, that looked great on my newly white painted home.

Protect the Environment

indexOur environment is probably the most important thing we got, and for some reason there are still way to many of us who really don’t threat it this way. Many people still don’t care if they leave garbage our in the nature, many companies don’t mind letting thousands of tons of polluted water or oil our in our oceans, as long as it saves them a little bit of money. There are still many of us who leave the lights on, even when we arn’t at home or don’t really care much about how much electricity we use, as long as the bills don’t get to high. But have you even considered how much Co2 is used to create the electricity that you use? Not to mention how much is used to create the clothes you wear, the food you eat or just to transport you around? Combine that from the billions of people living in the world and it’s actually quite a lot, in fact it’s so much that it already have started to affect our environment big time. Philip from Kostumer og Udklædning is one of the people who actually want’s to change this. His website are running on pure clean energi only, the server parts are made from reusable computer parts, and all the costumes he sells are made from reused clothing. If more people were like Philip maybe the situation wouldn’t be as bad as it is, but lets take a look at some of the big issues of today’s world.

Global Warmning
Over the last 10 year we have often heard about global warning, and even though the weather might not be getting warmer at your place, it has most likely still affected your weather somehow. Maybe you are having more rain than normally, a shorter winter or more storms. If not then you will most likely begin to notice the effects within the next few years. For some people, it may sound pretty great that it’s getting warmer, but for a lot of people, not to mention a lot of animals it can be catastrophic. For instance deserts may grow quite a bit, the ocean levels will rise, and a lot of land (and cities), may be flooded in just 10 – 20 years from now. Whole eco systems will break down, which mean that certain spieces of animals will die and people will be forced to move.
It’s already to late to prevent most of this, but with some luck we can stop it from getting much worse if we all put some effort into it.

The plastic islands
Did you know that our in the big oceans there are huge islands made of plastic garbage? One of the largest concentrations is in the pacific ocean and is called the Great Pacific garbage patch. This area is filled with plastic debris and is estimated to be around the size of the whole USA continent. Most of it is located just below the surface so it is not possible to spot it all from satalite or ships, which makes it hard to determain the exact size. One of the properties of plastic is that is absorbs organic pollutants from seawater, including PCBs, DDT, and PAHs.The problem with all this plastic is that most of it, is made up of tiny bits of plastic, which is eaten by fish, birds, turtles, which is in return eaten by humans, so not only does this affect the wildlife, but in the end also the human population.

In addition to these two major problems mentioned above, there are a lot of other issues that we really do need to pay attention to, such as harvesting the earths resources, animal extinction / Animal welfare, nuclear waste and much more. If we don’t start paying more attention to our environment, it will come back and cause major problems for the human race at some point. We are already at the brick of two major disasters, in a few years there will likely be many others, if we don’t act soon.

Save energy by using the right windows

vinduerLike many of you, I live in a old house. I used to have a pretty big heating bill as my house really couldn’t keep the heat inside. Last year I hired a company to go over the house and find the places where it was leaking heat. This process is called a thermal mapping, and uses a special digital thermal camera to generate an infrared map of my home. On that map we can easily see which parts of the outside, is leaking the most heat.
It turned out that most of the heat was getting out through my old windows. 80% of the energi loss came from the windows, which made sense as they were about 30 years old and in pretty bad shape, well the glass was still there though, in case you were wondering.

I then hired a local company called Vinduer, to come and replace all the windows in my house. It was a bit expensive, but I wanted the job done right, and I am not much of a DIY type of person. I also wanted some quality windows that would last for a long time, and would isolate my home as good as possible.
After Vinduer had replaced all my old windows, I have them do a new thermal mapping, and the result looked much better. 3 months late I could also see the affect on my heating bills. It had been lowered by a whooping 25% and the period had been even colder than the months earlier. With this saving it wouldn’t take more than a fews years before I had saved the amount of money I paid Vinduer to change all my old house windows, so not only would I later on save money, I would also do something for the environment.

I am pretty sure there at quite a few of you in the same situation, you got an old house with 20-30 year old windows. By replacing those windows you would likely save money in the long run, but you would also use less heat, which is a good thing, when you consider the amount of pollution and CO2 it takes to warm a home these days. If all of us could lower the amount of energy we used by changing to the right windows, then it would make a huge impact on our planet, and could really be something to help lower the CO2 amounts. The energy we use to heat our home, is really something that leads to massive amounts of CO2 emition.

But the windows arn’t always the only part of the home that could be changed to save energy, according to Gratistagtjek, a lot of the time it’s the roof that’s an issue, with their Nyt Tag app, they have found that a lot of the problems come from leaky roofs, so imagine if you could both get a new roof and new windows, then you might be able to cut your energy use in half, now that would be quite something. Of course it would take several years before it would be economically beneficial, but the effect on the enviroment would start from day one after you replaced the roof or windows.


Solar power – Your Ideal Electricity Replacement

udklaedningAre you aware that there are now advanced technology that you can use to save your money from paying your unending electricity bills? If no, then you must know about an ideal alternative if you are having a problem on your budget before of the increasing amount of your electricity bills. Solar power is the most popular alternative when it comes on electricity supply. But this is totally different from your supply of electricity. This supply of electricity generally comes from the rays of the sun or from the sunlight. It is essentially the conversion of sunlight to electricity. The solar energy use indirectly by a concentrated solar power (CSP) or directly using the photovoltaics (PV) and resulting o have a source of electricity from the sunlight. The CSP will use mirrors or lenses and tracking systems to focus a huge area of sunlight. The photoelectric effect is the main component used from photovoltaics to convert light to electricity. Your only expense is to buy the solar power and you can continually use it without paying bills. Aside from buying the solar power, you are just buying 1 item and use it for many years or for last. Electricity will give you problem from the unending expensive bills but solar power will just let you spend 1 item and use it for last. Several tests from Kostumer, seems to indicate that if just 10% of worlds energi came from solar power or windpower, then it might just be enough to reduce the amount of Co2 that could cause clima changes. But according to the test from Kostumer and EUvoices, then it’s not likely that we will see that in the next 10 year, so other methods will be nessesary in order to prevent the global heating issue many top scientists seems to belive is on it’s way. Follow the whole project here on Twitter

The solar power is now the latest replacement of electricity source. So, people use to seek for the product because they can truly save their money from using this latest technology. But the only problem is they do have no assurance on the item if it will work out completely. So, this problem is actually common since we all want to spend our money from the right product without wasting it. We might have a doubt if this will truly work. So, this is the right time that you should put your trust on this solar power. More and more people are now seeking on the product to be installed on their houses because they are now having a burden on their expensive electric bills. Another problem, there are part of the word and usual issue like sudden loss of electric power because of some reasons. So, to avoid those kinds of problem, solar energy would never give you like those mentioned problems.

Solar power converts the rays of the sun into electricity. Meaning, you don’t need to worry on your continuous electric bills because you can never have it with this new device. It is now happening that technology really makes the life of the people easy and no problem. The early development of these solar power technologies makes the life of the people simple and easy. With the sunlight, your appliances at home, your light at night and everything that needs to have electricity will now work without giving you burden for the billing. Of course, since we are experiencing crisis, then we should now do ways in order to save our money from any problem like this. Save your money using solar power and everything will be alright.

A Peaceful World from A Solemn Society

brænde og kostumerWe have all heard about the many problems and troubles that our society are experiencing today. But did you know that our world today, is actually facing a big problem and this problem is the absence of peaceful society. Lots of troubles, war, poverty and even famine are the main reasonsm why people a lot people are having this problem and why they are unable to have a peaceful community. With different races, different beliefs, different cultures and different tribes, each of the people usually think about themselves and forget to think about that we are the same people living in this world and dreaming on having a peaceful society. Perlcritic is one project that are trying to do something about this. One of the guys from this project James Kostumer, are creating some special containers that will help get food all the way to where it’s needed, without it being stolen or getting lost. Having a people world would start from the society. The society is the group of people who are living in a certain community and if peace starts at them, then there can be peace for the whole world. Yes, we might say that a peaceful community will remain a belief and a dream because we have different races in the world and surely we have our different cultures and beliefs. But, this should not practice discrimination and respect each other’s beliefs and culture and everything will be alright. People use to think about how they can live a happy and peaceful life without the worry of the possible war or any serious problem that the society might face.

Yes, living a peaceful society can be just a dream but if you start it by yourself and all will cooperate, then this dream will be come true. Yes, there is nothing possible if each one of us will cooperate and let us practice fair. Being fair in the society without practicing any discrimination would let the society understand how each of us has an effect in the community. A community that practice discrimination would surely experience serious problems. Fair and no discrimination can have the assurance that we will be living in a peaceful world. A small society would start the peaceful and solemnity. So, in time that this happen, a peaceful world from a solemn society is now a dream comes true. Who wants to live a troublesome, poverty, drought and famine society? Of course no one wants to live like this. So, having a peaceful society would be the key to have a happy and peaceful society.

Let us practice peaceful and solemn society and surely it would give a positive result. In our modern world today, we have heard lots of different problems. These different problems start from the people who actually done wrong in the society and this should be stopped. Paul Hegn once wrote an article aboout this, and it was soon published in almost all the countries in the western world. Now you can even download a plugin for wordpress, to help you monitor this. Did you know that a small mistake or a small doing can be the start to have a huge problem in the future? Yes, a small mess can be the culprit of a serious trouble and let us avoid this. It is not denying that the people itself who do the wrong doings and they are the one who are putting themselves into danger. But, is it nice to say and nice to experience to practice fair, no discrimination, no war, no crimes? All of us want this and this can be possible from us.


More and more people are using social media

People become interested once they hear the word online. This goes for both young and old people and has huge impact on modern society. It makes them think about entertainment, giving them a feeling of being a tecnology advanced person that fits into the modern society. Yes, internet talks about technology and how it has changed the world today. Services such as Pinterest, Instragram, Hegn and Flickr have made it easy to share your pictures, with your friends or the rest of the world. Facebook and Twitter has made it much easier to follow certain people, and get their latest status updates. The arrival of internet is the primary reason why social Medias are introduced. The use of social medias have been acquired by many people today, especially those who have businesses online. Also, there are companies do have websites that simply introduces them through the use of social Medias. Whereas, operating business offline, they also operated business online just to spread their services and offers. This will give them a chance to get customers. This will also result to have increasing customers. So, this is the reason why people appreciated the use of social Medias. Another thing, they use of social Medias to introduce their products and services without any sweat. In comparison to the traditional ways of business promotion like advertisement on televisions, radios and even pamphlets, social Medias compete with these promotional methods.

The use of social Medias plays a big role for online marketing. There are several of very effective SEO strategies and tools about online marketing. Most of these tools when used properly would create your desired amount of website traffic especially if used in combination. The use of social Medias is one of the better sources of massive website traffic that you are able to use. The use of social Medias and social networking site already has a captured market. The advancement of the use of social Medias in partnership with other online marketing tools has also seen huge increase over the last few years. Services such as Hegn and ITT have been spammed to death by people wanting to take advantages of this service to promote their business. Once you browse online, you can get different kind of social media marketing. Making videos, building websites, using HTML and some other tools are parts of social Medias. With the use of social Medias, you are able to pinpoint and identify your target up to the minute’s detail and you are able to pattern your as strategy. The rest would be easy once you have generated a specialized ad. The use of social Medias has been acquired by many people today.

You can also place your ad on the social media site with the use of parameters you just set up. You can directly hit your exact target instead of casually placing your ad anywhere hoping that anyone may take an interest onto it and click. With regards on the power of social marketing platforms, businesses are clueless. Just like any other SEO program, you still need to have an organized planning and to set up objectives and goals so that you can control if you make progress or not. Locate your target audience; this must be the first thing that is required of you. You must study them and try to understand their behaviors. You must comprehend why they do the things they do, dislikes, likes, their preferences and other info that can help you come up with a strategy just how to present your ad. This made people appreciated the use of social Medias.

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