Taking down old asbestos roofs

valg af nyt tag til dit hjemAs you probably know, a lot of roofing products, were manufactured with asbestos, from the 1920’s and up to the early 1980’s. A lot of the people who has been exposed to asbestos over a longer duration, has developed mesothelioma cancer. There are still many roofs out there which was building before the 80’s that contains asbetos. So when removing your old roof, there are a few things you need to consider.

It’s always a good idea to talk to a roof expert first. Not only can he easily tell you if your old roof contains asbestos, and what is required to get rid of it properly and legally. But he can help you our with advices on your new roof, like which materials you should choose, and special demands or features. Luckily there are a lot of companies, like Nyt Tag Roofing, which offers free meetings with one of their carpenters, in hope of you selecting them for the job. Last month I had both a guy from New Tag Roofing, and from Tømrer over and give me advices on my new roof and it didn’t cost me a single dollar. See some examples here at Effectio. So if there are any roofing companies near you, that offers free meetings, it’s always a good idea to take advantage of that before you begin a new roofing project.

Removing the old asbestos roof can be quite expensive. If all the roofing tiles are undamage, the risk of getting in contact with asbestos is pretty low, but if you got broken tiles among them, then you need to take special care. Depending on where you live, you may be required to have a professional team with masks and protection suits, remove the roof for you and handle the scrapping. Also you can’t just drive it to the local junk yard, as i’s classified as hazardous materials, so it can be a bit expensive to get rid it, as you can’t just dump it the same places as normal roofing materials.

As my old roof was an old cement roof, that look quite a bit like asbestos cement, I was a bit worried myself that my roof contained asbestos. However the guy from Nyt Tag Roofing, told me not to worry, it was pure cement, so the cost of removing it would be quite low. They gave me a good price for my new roof, so I ended up selecting Nyt Tag Roofing for the job, and it was something i didn’t regreat. A good service and a fine result for a price that was about 20% lower than what the carpenter from Tømrer Sæby had given me. And i got a lot of help select the proper roofing type for my roof, and ended up with a beautiful black slate roof, that looked great on my newly white painted home.


E-mail : zarkas6@yahoo.com

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